© The Sanniah Experience! (TSE) By Sanniah Hassan What’s in a colour? It’s just but that Why do people wish, To be white Not black? Why do some people Desire for things Not theirs Like being white, While being Black by birth Or even in rare cases - Black when White Why are we so conscious of colour? When in our subconscious We do know That it is anything but Colour just makes us different It doesn’t define us Doesn’t make us who we are Then why are people so conscious of colour When it matters not at large! All my life I’ve been told That I’m better And why might you ask? ‘cause I’m fairer by skin Yet I choose to believe as some few people Around the world Colour is not who I am And it does not make me, me It is just a means To recognise me In a room full of those just like me Then why is it that people Wish to be of a colour And not be happy with What they are There ...