© The Sanniah Experience! (TSE) By Sanniah Hassan So I have been missing from my blog for a while. Life has been super busy so I haven't had time to read or write anything... felt glum and down, felt unworthy too at times, however, since I have been trying hard to hold onto my faith it has helped me maintain my sanity through it all. Finally, I have decided that I need to set aside some much-needed me-time! and that is exactly what I'm going to do from now onwards. This reminds me that although people usually come up with new years resolutions for this purpose of growing, I will just suffice with finding a #NewMe thereby, I should just have #NewMeResolutions . So here goes a list of things I wish to aspire towards. Things to Strive For! Of course, there is a list. Why wouldn't there be? But in the spirit of being optimistic and realistic, I'm not aiming too high at the moment. So for now I am going to go with baby steps. Start small. 1 paragraph or 1 page...