© The Sanniah Experience! (TSE) By Sanniah Hassan Reminiscing on my days as a student and laughing at silly typos going, "what was I thinking?" has me rolling back into my shell. Sometimes it takes a little introspection of the self to realize how far we have come. As an individual, a woman, a wife, a daughter, an aspiring writer, and a somewhat reserved human, life can be a roller-coaster of emotions. Lately, I have been thinking about the next big step I should take... too much comes to mind yet not enough time. So much to learn, much too much to unlearn before I can spread my wings and fly into the murky waters of life again. However, on a lighter note, checking out a blog I started for a project back in the day has reminded me of the multiple faces I possess, which if taken care of and nurtured properly can bloom into a beautifully strong and independent woman (hopefully wiser for her age!). If you agree that looking back sometimes helps one move forward with gr...
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